Kingdoms of Camelot Wiki

Starting a March[]

  • In the City view, click on the Rally Point to open the March Troops window.
    • The March Type will default to "Attack".
    • The Target coordinates will default to (0, 0).
  • In the Map view, click on a map tile top open the Profile window. Depending on the type of tile, you will see different options:
    • Click your current city: no options will be given (you cannot march troops from your current city to your current city).
    • Click a city that you own that is not your current city: you can "Transport", "Reinforce" or "Reassign" to that city.
    • Click a city owned by another player in your Alliance: you can "Transport" or "Reinforce" to that city.
    • Click on a city owned by a friendly alliance: you can "Transport" to that city. (but this is bugged and does not work.)
    • Click on any other player city: you can "Scout" or "Attack" that city.
    • Click on a wilderness tile that you own: you can "Reinforce" that wilderness.
    • Click on a wilderness tile that you do not own: you can "Scout" or "Attack" that wilderness. (no option to reinforce a wild owned by an ally or friend.)
    • Click on a Barbarian Camp: you can "Scout" or "Attack" that camp.
    • In all cases, when you select one of the actions from the Profile window, the requested March Type will be set, and the coordinates of the tile will be filled in for the target, when the March Troops window opens.


Click on any of the image thumbnails to see the full images.

Combat Types[]

With these types of marches, you can:

  • Change the March Type, if needed.
  • Select the number of each type of troop that you want to send.
  • Select a target by providing coordinates or using your bookmarks.
  • Preview the march time after the troops are selected. (this is frequently wrong, see Troop Speed)
  • Apply march time items to speed up the march.
  • Apply attack effort items to increase your combat stats before the march.

Scout This type is used when you are scouting a Wilderness or another player.
  • You can send any type of troop by unchecking the "Display scout troops only" box in the top right. The extra troops will only slow the scouts; they will not defend them.
  • You must send at least 1 scout.
  • You can apply Aura of Command to send a larger force of scouts against a strongly defended target.
  • You do not need to select a Knight when sending a scout march.
  • You should not waste items for march time or attack efforts when sending scouts.
Attack This type is used when you are attacking a Wilderness or another player.
  • You must send at least 1 troop of any type. (You cannot send a knight to attack alone.)
  • You can apply Aura of Command to send a larger army against a strongly defended target.
  • You must select an idle Knight when sending an attack.
  • To send an attack faster, this is the only time that you can apply Green Griffin Wings or Red Dragon Wings, if you have them. They cannot be applied after the march has been sent.
  • You can apply items to increase attack efforts by checking the boxes here, or after the march has been sent.

Movement Types[]

With these types of marches, you can:

  • Change the March Type, if needed.
  • Select the number of each type of troop that you want to send.
  • Preview the load vacancy for the troops that you have selected. This is the total amount of resources that your troops can carry.
  • Select the amount of each Resource that you want to send. As you assign resources to send, the load vacancy will update to show you how much space you have remaining. If your load vacancy is negative, you do not have enough troops selected to carry the resources that are selected.
  • Select a target by providing coordinates or using your bookmarks.
  • Preview the march time after the troops are selected. (this is frequently wrong, see Troop Speed)
  • Apply march time items to speed up the march.

Transport This type is used when you want to transport resources to a location.
  • Troops will carry the resources to the target destination, leave the resources there, and return to the home city.
  • You can send any type of troop by unchecking the "Display supply troops only" box in the top right. Faster troops can be used to carry small amounts of resources this way.
  • You must select at least 1 troop of any type. (Knights cannot carry resources alone.)
  • You should not use an Aura of Command on a transport. Just send additional marches if you need to.
  • You do not need to select a Knight. There is no reason to send one.
  • Transport march times are affected by your Relief Station level in the sending city. The estimated march times do not reflect this bonus. (see Troop Speed)
  • You should not need to use march time items.
Reinforce This type is used when you want to send more Troops or resources to a location.
  • Troops will carry the resources to the target destination. The troops will encamp at that location until they are sent home or recalled.
  • You must send at least 1 troop of any type. (Knights cannot be sent alone.)
  • You might use an Aura of Command on a reinforce, if the target city has a limited number of open slots in their Embassy and you want to get the most troops in there as possible.
  • You are not required to send a Knight. If you send one, they will help the troops fight.
  • The estimated time will not include your Relief Station bonus. The actual time will use the relief station if you are reinforcing another city, but not if you are reinforcing a wilderness.
  • You can use the march time items if you like.
Reassign This type is used when you want to move Troops between your Cities.
  • Troops and their Knight will be moved from one of your cities to another. When they arrive, they will be assigned to the new location. Their food usage and salary will be taken from the new city. They will not return (unless reassigned again).
  • You must send at least 1 troop of any type. (Knights cannot be reassigned alone.)
  • You should not use an Aura of Command on a reassignment.
  • You are not required to send a Knight. If you do, the Knight will be assigned to the new city along with the troops.
  • You should not need to use march time items.


The game client will frequently get out of sync with the game servers which leads to problems when sending marches. In all cases, the best solution is to refresh the game to make sure the numbers reported by the client match those found on the servers.

Requirements not met - This is the error you will most often see. It can mean that your client thinks you have more resources to send than you actually have, or it thinks you have more troops to send than you actually have, or you have the troops, but the client doesn't realize they are out on another march. Refresh the client and try again.
